Saturday, March 21, 2020
Intergovernmental Exercise Example
Intergovernmental Exercise Example Intergovernmental Exercise ââ¬â Essay Example Intergovernmental Finance Exercise Type A grant The origin of the tax is identified as personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, generalsales taxes and taxes on alcoholic beverages. The allocation of the specified share is identified as the population and the effort undertaken towards paying of the tax. 2. Type G grant This is because the decision is to assist provincial governments hence making it an ad hoc decision without a clear strategy. The cost put towards the ââ¬Å"assistanceâ⬠has no specified origin or clarity in the amount that is sent out. However, it is significant to tell between it from type H grant since this assistance is done annually. 3. Type H grant The situation falls under type H grant since the response to the situation at hand is ad hoc and the means of assistance are also unplanned. The duration through which this assistance will be carried out is undetermined too. It is also unknown what amount of assistance will be required. 4. Type F grant This is a type F grant because the decision to assist is based on the formula/determination of areas with highest poverty and infant mortality rates and substandard housing. It is differentiated from grant B because the method of assistance is not specified. 5. Type F grant The amount of assistance is not specified (only referred to as a portion of the tax revenue)and the assistance is partial based on the expenditure needs. The method used to determine the assistance is formula based since the distribution is determined by how extra ordinary the needs in expenditure are and on an equal per capita basis grant basis. The decision to give this assistance is also ad hoc. 6. Type B grant The origin of the tax is VAT and the tax distributed is specific. The tax is distributed on a formula based method that is 75% of it is given on the basis of an equal per capita perspective. The rest is given to states that have a below average tax capacity. The fact that it is accounted for tax and distributed by formula makes it a type B grant. 7. Type G grant The government provides reimbursement that is unspecified through an unplanned means. This makes this situation a type G grant. 8. Type H grant The provision of the income tax is annual though the share allocated is not specified (Ad hoc) and the method used to allocate these funds is also unclear (Ad hoc). This makes the situation a type H grant. 9. Type G grant The government repays the local government that is affected by the loss incurred in paying its fiscal need. This is an unplanned decision which pays for approved expenditures which are indispensable public requirements such as learning, public protection and transportation. That gives the basis of the formula used in the assistance hence making it a type G grant. 10. Type K grant The assistance is made as a reimbursement of an approved government project. This automatically qualifies it to be a type K grant. Bibliography Bahl, Roy and Johannes F. Linn. Intergovernmental Finance. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Conjugating the French Verb Soutenir (to Support)
Conjugating the French Verb Soutenir (to Support) Soutenirà (to support, to give support to, to defend, to maintain) is aà common French verb that belongs to one of the groups withinà irregularà -irà verbsà that display some conjugation patterns: a first groupà of verbs that are conjugated like partir; a second group conjugated like verbs ending inà -llir,à -frir,à or -vrir;à almost all of which are conjugated like regular -er verbs; and a third group ending in -enir, such asà tenir (to hold)à and venirà (to come), which follow a shared conjugation pattern in the present tense. The verb soutenir belongs to the third group of irregular -ir verbs ending in -enir that are conjugated like tenir and venir.à Note that the conjugations in the table at the bottom of the page are only those for simple tenses; compound conjugations of soutenir, which include a form of the auxiliary verbà avoirà and the past participleà soutenu, are not included. Theres one major difference in the compound tenses of tenir, venir, and their derivatives: Tenir and its derivatives use avoir as their auxiliary verb, while venir and most of its derivatives useà à ªtre. There are many verbs conjugated like these two major French verbs. Other FRENCH VERBS ENDING IN -TENIR Verbs that end inà -tenirà are all conjugated the same way.à They allà takeà avoirà as their auxiliary verb. sabstenirà à to refrain, abstain fromappartenirà à to belong tocontenirà à to containdà ©tenirà à to detainentretenirà à to look after, support, foster, keep alivemaintenirà à to maintainobtenir à to obtainretenirà à to retaintenirà à to hold, keep FRENCH VERBS ENDING IN -VENIR Most verbs that end inà -venirà useà à ªtreà as their auxiliary verb. A few, such asà circonvenir, prà ©venir, andà se souvenirà (seeà below) useà avoir. advenirà à to happencirconvenirà à to circumvent, get aroundcontrevenirà à to contraveneconvenirà à to suit, be suitabledevenirà à to becomeintervenirà à to interveneparvenirà à to reach, achieveprà ©venirà à to warnprovenirà à to come from, be due torevenirà à to come backse souvenir deà à to remembersubvenirà à to provide forsurvenirà à to occur, take placevenir to come Expressions and Examples With Soutenir Sa prà ©sence ma beaucoup soutenue dans cette à ©preuve. His presence was a great comfort to me in this ordealTuà soutiens toujours ta fille contre moià !à You always side with your daughter against me !soutenir une à ©quipeà to be a fan ofà / to support a sports teamJe pense que nous sommes libres mais elle soutient le contraire.à à I think that were free but she claims (that) the opposite is true.Il soutient que tu mens.à He keeps saying that youre a liar.soutenir la comparaison avecà à to standà / to bear comparison withsoutenir un sià ¨geà militaireà to withstand a siegesoutenir sa thà ¨seà à to defend ones thesisse soutenir (reciprocal pronominal)à to stand by each other,à to stick togetherse soutenir (intransitive pronominal) to hold oneself up,à to support oneselfLe vieillard narrivait plus se soutenir sur ses jambes. The old mans legs could no longer supportà /à carry him.Elle se soutenait avec peine.à She could hardly stay upright. HOW TO MEMORIZE FRENCH VERB CONJUGATIONS Tip:à Concentrate on the most useful tenses (prà ©sent, imparfait, passà © composà ©) and get used toà using them in context. Once youve mastered them, move on to the rest. Training with an audio source may also be helpful. There are many liaisons, elisions, and modern glidings used with French verbs, and the written form may mislead you such that you end up using the wrong pronunciation. Simple Conjugations of the Irregular French -ir Verb Soutenir Present Future Imperfect Present participle je soutiens soutiendrai soutenais soutenant tu soutiens soutiendras soutenais il soutient soutiendra soutenait nous soutenons soutiendrons soutenions vous soutenez soutiendrez souteniez ils soutiennent soutiendront soutenaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle soutenu Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je soutienne soutiendrais soutins soutinsse tu soutiennes soutiendrais soutins soutinsses il soutienne soutiendrait soutint soutnt nous soutenions soutiendrions soutnmes soutinssions vous souteniez soutiendriez soutntes soutinssiez ils soutiennent soutiendraient soutinrent soutinssent Imperative tu soutiens nous soutenons vous soutenez
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